Switzerland - Member Organization

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie
Société Suisse de Pédiatrie
Società Svizzera di Pediatria
Swiss Society of Paediatrics

Journal (available in German and French): PAEDIATRICA


Dr. Philipp Jenny

rue de l'Hôpital 15

Case postal 516

1701 Fribourg

Phone: +41 26 350 33 44
Fax: +41 26 350 33 03
Website: www.pediatriesuisse.ch / www.paediatrieschweiz.ch

Journal (available in German and French): PAEDIATRICA

Delegates to ECPCP

  • Dr. Mario Schuhmacher (delegate representative)
  • Dr. Christoph Bornhöft ( delegate representative)
  • third delegate to be nominated



  • Number of members of organisation: 1.989
  • Number of Primary Care Paediatricians in the organization: 1.084
  • Total number of paediatricians in the country: 2.262 (source: FMH physician statistics 2022)

      (Last changes 2024)

Kinderärzte Schweiz
Professional Association of Swiss Primary Care Paediatricians
Quarterly Journal: “Kinderärzte Schweiz NEWS”, accessible via the website: www.kis.ch
Website for annual conventions: www.jahrestagung.ch


Dr. med. Marc Sidler 

c/o Kinderärzte Schweiz

Löwenstrasse 17
8953 Dietikon

Delegates to ECPCP

  • Dr. med. Helena Gerritsma Schirlo (Vice President)
  • Dr. med. Marc Sidler (President)


  • Number of members of organisation: 870
  • Number of Primary Care Paediatricians in the organization: 706
  • Total number of Primary Care Paediaticians in the country: 1.420

       (Last changes: 2024)